The 49 least developed countries will not be complicit in a farce leading toward a 4°C warmer world

Bonn, April 29, 2013. Inaugurating its first negotiation session, as the new chair of the group of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Mr. Prakash Mathema from Nepal, urges Parties to show leadership to achieve real and substantial progress on the negotiation of a 2015 treaty and to close the mitigation gap before 2020. “There is no more time to waste, so we need to stop going round in circles”, he said.
Over the long and tedious journey of the climate change negotiations, the LDC Group has continuously stressed that they will be the most seriously hit by the impacts of climate change. The effects are already being seen – we are all experiencing an increased number of droughts, severe storms, and floods. These events are increasing in frequency, magnitude and intensity, and worsening from day to day the quality of life of already vulnerable populations. Delay in action against climate change is not an option for the group.
During their preparation of the Bonn talks, the group formulated their bottom line: start real negotiations now! We must not embark on yet another procedural heavy process. Delay will certainly lead to a 4°C warmer world. The message from the group regarding the current negotiation is clear “We must draw lessons from the past negotiations under this Convention, and implement urgent actions to address climate change. We should ensure that the outcomes of Durban are implemented as a matter of urgency. Without substantial progress to close the 8–13 gigatonne mitigation gap before 2020, the LDCs would not be prepared to accept a weak outcome.”
The sum of mitigation-related actions by all Parties should lead to an aggregate global emission pathway that is scientifically consistent with limiting warming below 1.5°C by the end of the 21st century. This calls for clear short-, medium- and long-term commitments which should be subjected to regular reviews, and be based on latest science.
Adaptation and climate resilience are the top priorities for the LDCs for which international support for technology, capacity building and finance is still inadequate. If global emissions are not limited, our countries will be confronted with a situation where adaptation requirements will far exceed capacities even if all possible international support is provided. “At a certain point adaptation will have its limits and in the long-term, mitigation is the best form of adaptation”, stressed Mr. Mathema.
LDC group spokesperson in Bonn: Sandra Freitas
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