Climate Change & Development (CCD) Community, of the Pacific Solution Exchange

Climate Change & Development (CCD) Community |
Climate Change & Development (CCD) Community, of the Pacific Solution Exchange Community UpdateIssue: 04Date: 1 March 2013 |
Pacific Solution Exchange
Compiled by the Facilitation Team for the Climate Change and Development Community – Pacific Solution Exchange (PSE)
Climate Change & Development (CCD) Community
Welcome to our monthly ‘Community Update’ for the Climate Change and Development Community, of the Pacific Solution Exchange (PSE). Please continue to send your updates and information to the PSE Facilitation Team:
Update: PSE Facilitation Team
Hello Members, We hope you are finding the recent conversations useful in helping you achieve your climate change, disaster risk management and development work in the Pacific. The Pacific Solution Exchange (PSE) Facilitation Team would like to provide a brief update about 4 topics:
1. Thank you for your support and please do “join the Pacific-wide conversations” 2. Reminder about you how easy it is to post your Response 3. New Query launched yesterday 4. Website’s new and existing features: current and past conversations, plus Consolidated Reply (summary) for each conversation.
1. Thank you Today the Climate Change and Development (CCD) community of the Pacific Solution Exchange (PSE), reached a landmark 1400 members (up from 933 members in April 2012) thanks to your support and efforts. We encourage others to sign-up so together we may share our insights to help each other in our climate change, disaster risk and development work in the Pacific. That’s what this forum is about: helping each other achieve better outcomes in our work.
2. Reminder – how to post your comments As a member there are really only 2 things to know: (1) how to email a Response, and (2) how to post a Query.
(1) To Respond to a message posted to the listserv – Email your comments to the PSE Facilitation Team at: The PSE Facilitation Team will then forward your message to all our members. (Thus, when you email your message it goes directly to the PSE Facilitation Team. The Team then formats your email and adds a ‘Moderator Note’, and finally forwards your message to all members of PSE. So your email is not sent directly to members).
(2) To post a Query – If you have a Query or an Issue for discussion that you would like to post on the PSE knowledge-sharing forum, then email your idea to: The PSE Facilitation Team will then contact you to discuss this in more detail.
Please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions you may have about how to post your Response or pose a Query, or if you wish to unsubscribe. Just email the Facilitation Team at: (Remember, this email is sent to the Facilitation Team, not to all members.)
3. New Query The PSE Facilitation Team is pleased to invite you to join the conversation for our new Query, launched yesterday, on sustainability of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) initiatives after the project closes. This Query from K. A. Benny seeks lessons learnt on ways of keeping DRR initiatives alive even after the project winds-up. This Query is being cross-posted with the Solutions Exchange India Disaster Management (DM) Community.
Query: Sustainability of DRR Initiatives After Closure of DRR Projects - Experiences. Reply by 13 March 2013 (http://www.solutionexchange-
4. Website Did you miss the last few email postings because you were busy or perhaps out of the office on Mission? Then you can refer to the PSE website for ‘This Week’s Issue’ conversation-thread: http://www.solutionexchange-
You recall a past email posting but don’t know where to find it? All our conversations are summarised into a Consolidated Reply (CR) and posted on the ‘Issues Addressed’ webpage: http://www.solutionexchange-
With best regards,
Jacqui Berrell Community Facilitator Climate Change and Development Community, Pacific Solution Exchange Suva, Fiji
Consolidated Replies (CRs)
A reminder to members that our ‘Issues Addressed’ webpage hosts the Consolidated Reply (CR), or summary, for each Query posted. These are detailed overviews that include a 1.5 page executive summary, full list of responses received, comparative experiences or case studies, plus related resources such as recommended documents, contacts and experts, recommended organizations and programmes, recommended portals and information bases, recommended tools and technologies, upcoming events and training, and related Consolidated Replies.
The latest CR to be released is:
Climate Change impacts on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) - Experiences; Referrals.
Member Postings
From Jacqui Berrell, Pacific Solution Exchange, Suva, Fiji Knowledge Sharing and Information Sources Some other sources of climate change and disaster risk management information include: · To join the conversation: Pacific Solution Exchange (PSE) · To receive email updates and information: Pacific Climate Change Information Network (PaCCIN) pacific_climate_infonet@lyris. · To promote your event and update your diary: Pacific Climate Change Portal (PCCP) · Web portal and database system for disaster risk management: Pacific Disaster Net (PDN)
From Nacanieli Speigth, on behalf of, Suva, Fiji Tomorrow (2 March 2013) is the launch of the Na Bole video titled “Maroroi Vuravura” that means “save the earth”, produced thanks to the support of the Pacific Voyage Society. The video was composed and choreographed by Fijian cultural icon Manoa Rasigatale. It showcases that Fijians are proud, resilient and determined, and together can be proactive at mitigating climate change impacts as they happen and can build a movement that can create climate change solutions the Fiji way. The launch of the video clip will be followed by a massive online/ social media push for people in Fiji and around the world to join the campaign and set the platform for the other Pacific Islands. Here’s what you can do to support the campaign; · watch and share the “Na Bole” Video as it gets uploaded tomorrow on350Fiji page · Change your Facebook profile picture or cover to the 350Fiji Logo(attached) or images from the video shoot :D (one attached) · Invite all your friends to LIKE the 350Fiji page (!/ · Share the videos, pictures and updates from the 350Fiji page on your page and on friends walls · Tweet about the Pacific Warrior Day of Action and use the hash tags #PacificWarrios #Climate and #350Fiji
Cross-posting from Climate-L & GGCA (Global Gender and Climate Alliance) networks for Musonda Mumba, United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya Ecosystem-based Adaptation Partnership Programme There is a new website on the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Partnership Programme -
Cross-posting from the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC) ISOC Community Grants Programme May 2013 Round Opening Soon The Internet Society (ISOC) will be accepting applications for its May 2013 round of the Community Grants Programme from 4 March to 1 April 2013, (note that applications will close at the end of the day, midnight PDT (-7 UTC) on 01April). Award decisions will be announced at the end of May 2013. · Online tutorial to be viewed before applying: · Community Grants Blog at Community Grants Blog: http://www.internetsociety. · Application sample at · Frequently asked questions: Queries to be emailed to:
Cross-posting from the Algae-L listserv 21st International Seaweed Symposium, Bali, Indonesia, 21-26 April 2013 The 21st International Seaweed Symposium will be held in Bali, Indonesia, from April 21-26. International Seaweed Symposia (ISS) are held every three years under the auspices of the International Seaweed Association (ISA). For more than six decades, the ISS have been the foremost international symposia for individuals and organizations involved with seaweed research and utilization. The theme of the 21st ISS is “Seaweed Science for Sustainable Prosperity”. This theme recognizes the fact that scientific research plays a fundamental role in the development of seaweed cultivation, harvesting, processing and commercialization. ISS provide a forum for scientists, technologists, business people and resource managers to present their latest research results, exchange ideas. For details refer to the ISS website at: http://xxiseaweedsymposium.
Cross-posting with PACNEWS PIANGO’s 2013 work plan
Cross-posting with Pacific Disaster Net (PDN) with © Copyright fully attributed to Fiji Times Effects of climate change Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) is helping the Pacific region's governments tackle climate change on numerous fronts. As an example, SPC's Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) is identifying, collecting and making available to farmers seeds to plant varieties of local crops that are resistant to drought, flooding or salt water. Many seeds for key crops such as taro, banana and cassava have been distributed to farmers in Fiji, and the resources has helped farmers here and elsewhere recover from devastating events such as floods and the taro leaf blight that wiped out Samoa's taro. It also helps strengthen food security in the Pacific Islands.
Cross-posting from CLIMATE CHANGE MATTERS: Issue 9 — February 2013, SPREP SPREP - Cost benefit analysis training in Kiribati A national workshop recently took place in Tarawa to guide government officers in how to use cost-benefit analysis (CBA) in projects affected by climate change. Two cost-benefit analyses discussed during the week include an assessment of alternative energy options on Kiritimati Island and the deployment of fish aggregating devices (FADs). The training is supporting the Fisheries Department to establish monitoring plans for improving the evidence base to guide the deployment of FADs. Over the longer term, climate change is expected to lead to a decrease in coastal fisheries productivity but an increase in skipjack tuna in the waters around Kiribati.
Cross-posting with PACNEWS Pacific Climate Change Portal Training Programme Heads to the Northern Pacific Northern Pacific users of the Pacific Climate Change Portal (PCCP; came together in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, to undergo training on using and contributing to this regionally-owned information system. The Pacific Climate Change Portal is an online platform designed to enable Pacific island nations to take responsibility for regional information sharing into their own hands. Once trained, in-country personnel will receive administrative access, enabling them to upload information directly on to the portal.
Cross-posting from CLIMATE CHANGE MATTERS: Issue 9 — February 2013, SPREP Vanuatu launches Climate Change Portal The Vanuatu Government, through the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-hazard Department (VMGD) and National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), launched the Vanuatu climate change portal on the 17th of December 2012. Development of the portal was funded by GIZ and will be maintained by the National Advisory Board on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction. The Vanuatu climate change portal is a pilot for integrating the national climate change portal with the regional climate change portal currently being maintained by SPREP. To access the portal visit For more information, contact Ms Rebecca Iaken |
This Week’s Conversation
New Query: Sustainability of DRR Initiatives After Closure of DRR Projects - Experiences. Reply by 13 March 2013 (http://www.solutionexchange-
Just Closed: We have just closed our ‘For Comment’ conversation posed by Garry Wiseman, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Pacific Centre, Suva, Fiji, which is now available on our PSE Website.
For Comment: Request for your feedback and insights on the proposed thematic areas for the upcoming UNDP 'Regional Programme for Asia and the Pacific 2014-2017' (Closed 28 February 2013). Full Query (PDF; Size 192KB).
Responses: Here are the responses received (starting with the first received). A Consolidated Reply, or summary, will be published in the next few weeks on our Issues Addressed webpage.
1. Jason Brown, Journalism in Crisis Coalition (JiCC), Auckland, New Zealand (formerly Rarotonga, Cook Islands) 2. Setareki Macanawai, Pacific Disability Forum, Suva, Fiji 3. Paul Roughan, Islands Knowledge Institute, Honiara, Solomon Islands 4. Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls, FemLINKPacific, Suva, Fiji 5. Kelvin Passfield, IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management, Rarotonga, Cook Islands 6. David Abbott, Independent Consultant, Samoa 7. Dr Godfrey Waidubu, Medical Officer, Nauru 8. Noumea Simi, Ministry of Finance, Samoa 9. David Smith, United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), Suva, Fiji 10. Govind Singh, Education International (EI), Suva, Fiji 11. Clifford Goudey, C.A. Goudey & Associates, Newburyport, USA 12. Peter Tierney, LexAct – Action Through Law, Rarotonga, Cook Islands 13. Linda Petersen, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), Suva, Fiji
This is a posting from the Climate Change & Development Community, of the Pacific Solution Exchange
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