Combating Climate Denial with Reality Drop

Dear Friends,
We are excited to share news about the launch of Reality Drop, a new interactive tool that will profoundly impact the conversation on climate change. This morning, Climate Reality Chairman and former Vice President Al Gore publicly launched Reality Drop at a TED 2013 side event in California.
As you know, combatting climate change denial is one of our most important objectives. Within the Reality Drop website we highlight 106 of the most common myths about climate change, and provide easy, succinct ways to respond with the truth. The site is an innovative social media tool that educates users about the reality of climate change and also uses modern gaming techniques to combat climate denial. Reality Drop curates hundreds of online news articles daily for publications that demand a response – whether it's a misleading quote from a climate denier or a heated debate raging in the comments section. Reality Drop makes it easy for users to find the best science-based response, to apply accessible and easy-to-understand language, to add their voice to the conversation — and help cool the argument.
If you have questions or are interested in learning more about Reality Drop, please contact Katie Homes, Climate Reality's Strategic Partnership Associate. Katie can be reached at or (720) 214-6095. Katie is managing the program and leading the effort to work with organizations and communities who want to change the climate conversation.
Thanks for your help to spread the word about Reality Drop. Check it out at
The Climate Reality Project
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