Circular economy opportunities Vanuatu Concise metabolic analysis Report
This report describes current trends and Vanuatu’s development ambitions and relates them to circular economy solutions. The most promising recommendations were selected at a national workshop and are based on an analysis of resource use, asset use and waste disposal in the country. The report’s structure and the analytical approach follows that of an earlier Shifting Paradigms project for the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan.10 The report is structured as follows:Part 1: Current situation, developments and ambitions: This part describes the current situation in Vanuatu and important trends going forward. It also highlights which of Vanuatu’s policies and development ambitions align well with a transition to a more circular and low-carbon future.Part 2: Thinking in flows and stocks: Part 2 maps out the material resources used in Vanuatu, distinguishing domestic products from imports. Data visualization helps explain how the use of products, materials and half-fabricates relate to GHG emissions in Vanuatu and emissions associated with the production of imported goods and services. No country starts from scratch when making the transition to a circular economy. Therefore, Part 2 also describes existing circular economy initiatives. They provide the basis from which to expand or develop new initiatives that rely on similar principles and enabling conditions.Part 3: Circular economy strategies: Stakeholders and experts from Vanuatu identified and selected the most promising circular opportunities, which are described in Part 3. The strategies were selected based on their material potential and their ability to reduce GHG emissions by 2030, and to contribute to the development ambitions described in Part 1.Part 1 introduces the political, socio-economic and environmental situation in Vanuatu. It sets priorities for the analysis in Part 2 and the recommendations in Part 3. The description of the environmental situation points out where material value is lost in the form of emissions into the air, water and soil. The socio-economic situation describes which sectors or economic activities are most important to Vanuatu in terms of added value and jobs. This first part also provides an overview of relevant trends and developments in infrastructure, imports and exports, demographics, and land use.