IRCCNH Newsletter March Issue
This is the first edition of the Increasing Resilience to Climate Change and Natural Hazards (IRCCNH) Project newsletter. This quarterly newsletter is an initiative to share information on the project’s activities to increasing the resilience of our people and communi-ties to the issues affecting our countries as a result of climate change and natural hazards in Vanuatu. In this first edition, we provide an overview of the IRCCNH Project approach and locations and some high-lights of components past activities in various project sites in Vanuatu. We hope you will find it to be in-formative and interesting to find out the type of activi-ties the project is imple-menting in your areas in the past years in terms of addressing issues concern-ing climate change and natural hazards. You can find out more by contacting our office in Port Vila or by checking the NAB Portal.
Newsletter March (4.57 MB)