PEBACC Newsletter | July - Dec 2017
This edition covers the period from July to December 2017. The PEBACC Project has progressed from baseline studies called Ecosystem and Socio-economic Resilience Analysis and Mapping (ESRAM) to Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Options Assessments and Implementation Plans for each project site. We are pleased to share with you brief updates from our sites in Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu as we move to implementation of demonstration projects over the next 2.5 years.We value your support and partnership and we look forward to a closer working relationship in 2018.The highlights in this issue include:Taveuni equipped with masterplan to guide EbA projects in 2018PEBACC and CEFAS support Solomon Is Government with water quality assessmentPEBACC hands-over ESRAM reports to Vanuatu GovernmentCommittee in place to support Queen Elizabeth nature park, Solomon IsPEBACC supports exchange visit for Fiji traditional leaderEcosystem-based Adaptation projects for Port VilaMapping of important marine areas on Taveuni island, FijiTanna community vote for marine protected areaPEBACC presents ESRAM reports at regional meetingsPEBACC partnered with Fiji Government and international organisations in hosting regional dialogue

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