Policy Search Tool (Beta)
This Excel-based tool is intended to help project proponents find policy statements to support project proposals. This is not an exhaustive list of policies - only the policies considered most relevant to climate change and disaster risk reduction are included. Policy statements are filterable by sector and thematic area. Please note that policy statements must not be taken out of context and always consult the original policies and strategies to ensure contextual alignment. View the note on methodology for more information regarding how this tool was developed.System requirements: Excel 2010 or later.The following policies and strategies are included in this tool:Agriculture Sector PolicyBiodiversity Conservation StrategyBiosecurity PolicyClimate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction PolicyEnvironment Policy and Implementation PlanFisheries Sector PolicyForest PolicyGender Equality PolicyGudfala Kakae PolicyLivestock PolicyNational Sustainable Development PlanOverarching Productive Sector PolicyWaste Management and Pollution Control Strategy and Implementation PlanWater Strategy