Climate Change Basics Overview & Curriculum Resources
Driven by a commitment to solutions, the Will Steger Foundation provides information on climate change basics, giving educators and learners background knowledge to work towards slowing climate change.
Extreme Weather 101
Solutions: Personal Behavior
Solutions: Renewabl
Curricula Resources
The climate change interdisciplinary curricula we offer are available for free online and are appropriate for grades 3-12. Aligned with national standards, state standards (where relevant) and the climate literacy principles, each curriculum has been reviewed by educational organizations and partners. Learn more about what we offer.
Our curriclula resources include:
Minnesota's Changing Climate Curriculum
Grades 3-12
Global Warming 101 Curriculum
Grades 3-6
Grades 6-12
Adventure Learning Guide, Supplemental Activities and Expedition Supplements
Citizen Climate Curriculum
Arctic Community Curriculum
What Now? - Action Template