VCAP Progressive Report 1
“Adaptation to Climate Change in the Coastal Zone in Vanuatu” or the Vanuatu Coastal Adaptation Project (VCAP), will provide a valuable opportunity to the Vanuatu government to increase the resilience of its communities to future climate change induced risks such as declining coastal and marine resources and intensifying climate related hazards. The overall objective of VCAP is to improve the resilience of the coastal zone and its communities to the impacts of climate change in order to sustain livelihoods, food production and preserve and improve the quality of life in targeted vulnerable areas.VCAP will focus on community level adaptation to climate change and will address major environmental and associated socio-economic problems facing coastal communities impacted by climate change such as land degradation, biodiversity loss, and reef destruction, all of which severely undermine prospects for sustainable development and threaten the food security of coastal communities. The project will also build on and enhance CC adaptation initiatives through climate-proofing of infrastructure as needed.VCAP will also support information and early warning systems on coastal hazards to address the current lack of systematic analysis and prediction of climate-related events. Thus coastal communities will be less vulnerable to the effects of climate change with improved information management and data dissemination systems in place.This bi-monthly progress report details the various activities conducted from March to April of 2015. This is the first of an ongoing series of VCAP bimonthly reports. The following sections provide detail on initial activies conducted through VCAP after TC Pam and in preparation for the inception phase of project implementation.This Report features the following Contents:Key Dates for VCAP activities - Page 3Listing key activities and developments within VCAP with corresponding dates for this reporting period. Initial Steps After TC Pam - Pages 4 - 5 Supporting government led response after TC Pam. Updated Baselines in VCAP Communities - Pages 6 - 8 How VCAP communities were affected by the storm. VCAP Post TC Pam Strategy - Summary - Page 9 Will VCAP change its objectives or outputs post TC Pam?Moving Forward- Summary - Page 10 Moving VCAP forward and supporting the MCC.
VCAP Newsletter 2015.06.26.pdf (2.18 MB)