NAB Secretariat Newsletter No.3 ( year 2022)
Welcome is the third edition of the NAB Secretariat newsletter. This quarterly newsletter is an initiative to share information on the Secretariat’s activities in coordinating climate change and disaster risk reduction related programs and initiative aiming at strengthening and increasing the resilience of our people and communities to the issues affecting them as a result of climate change and natural disasters. In this third edition, we provide an overview of the third (3) and fourth (4) NAB Meetings, the list of projects and documents endorsed by the NAB Board Meetings in year 2022, the staff profile for the NAB secretariat staff, The Launching of the CCDRR second edition and the implementations Phase Two (2), the NAB portal training for both government sectors and non-government sector. Furthermore in this edition we have the provincial awareness held in Tafea and Sanma Province for the CCDRR Policy awareness workshop, followed with the climate change symposium in santo hosted by the Department of Climate Change (DoCC) and The International Day of Risk Reduction (IDRR Day) hosted in Shefa province at the Eton Village. The NAB Secretariat Team would also liked to welcome our new staff joining the NAB Secretariat office and There are more key activities and highlights carried out this year on the third quarter of this year 2022, which supports the function of the National Advisory Board on CCDRR (NAB) in Vanuatu and the Ministry of Climate Change and Adaptation. We hope you will find it to be informative and interesting to read. You can find out more by contacting our office at the Ministry of Climate Change Complex in Port Vila or by checking the NAB Portal
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