Online Dbate with Experts on the State of Climate Finance

Join CDKN and Alertnet in a debate with experts on the state of climate finance – and how to make climate finance work for the poorest.
13:00 – 14:00 (London time, GMT)
Tuesday 26 February 2013
To participate, simply visit:
AlertNet – All that glitters – what next for climate finance?
- Mohammed Nasr, Africa Group of Negotiators
- Niclas Svenningsen, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
- Smita Nakhooda, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
- Daisy Streatfeild, Senior Policy Advisor on Climate Finance, UK Department of Energy & Climate Change
- Tim Gore, Oxfam (tbc)
In late 2012, rich nations concluded three years of ‘Fast Start’ climate finance to developing countries. Official figures showed they met their targets to disburse $30 billion in climate aid. But Parties to the UNFCCC left December’s conference in Doha, Qatar with little on the table by way of further climate finance and meagre signs of how countries would reach their ambitions to mobilise $100 billion per year to developing countries by 2020.
Was the Fast Start Finance period as successful as it appears? Is climate finance achieving its goals, to date, and critically, is it reaching the most climate-affected? What pledges are on the table now and what are the prospects for gearing up financial flows to support low carbon, climate resilient development at large scale?
Please join us on 26 February at 13:00 (London time) to discuss these questions, and more.
To participate, simply visit
Or contribute to the debate by using hashtag: #climatefinance
You can find background on current debates in climate finance by reading CDKN’s new policy brief: Climate finance – challenges and responses or ODI’s Ten things to know about climate finance.
About the speakers:
Mohammed Nasr is a climate finance specialist for the Africa Group of Negotiators to the UNFCCC. He is member of the Egyptian Mission to the UN organisations in Geneva and previously served in the Government of Egypt’s Ministry of Environmental Affairs and Sustainable Development.
Niclas Svenningsen is manager for strategy, collaboration, and communication at the market mechanisms programme at the UNFCCC secretariat. He is responsible for how market-based instruments, such as the Clean Development Mechanism, can best contribute to mitigation. He previously coordinated the Sustainable UN (SUN) initiative at UNEP, which was established to help the entire UN system to reduce its climate footprint. He also worked for the UN Environment Programme in Asia, and the Swedish Environment Protection Agency.
Smita Nakhooda is a Research Fellow in the Climate Change Environment and Forests Programme at ODI where she leads work on international finance to help developing countries address climate change, energy, and low carbon development. She was previously a Senior Associate at the World Resources Institute, where she focused on the climate finance and the governance of electricity in major developing countries.
Daisy Streatfeild is a policy manager for international climate finance at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Previously she has also worked as a policy advisor on international climate change in HM Treasury, and on the Carbon Reduction Commitment policy in DECC. Before joining the UK government was a researcher at WWF looking at sustainable finance issues.
Tim Gore (tbc) is a climate finance specialist for Oxfam. He has worked on policy and lobbying issues at UNFCCC negotiations and has additional expertise in adaptation to climate change and carbon markets.