Outreach Materials Released in Support of First International Day of Forests

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) released posters and web banners and produced a video on the importance of forests in sustaining life. UNFF released the logo for the International Day of Forests, which is based on the logo adopted for the International Year of Forests in 2011. The logo is intended to represent the multiple values of forests and their importance to the survival of people everywhere.
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) also produced a video for the Day highlighting the multiple benefits of forests to the environment, the economy and human well-being.
Furthermore, Bioversity International released an article to inform readers of the importance of forest genetic diversity. The article emphasizes, in particular, the role of genetic diversity in making trees resistant to pollution, supporting climate change adaptation, identifying illegal logging, and sustaining increased forest production. Bioversity is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). [FAO International Day of Forests Banners and Logos] [FAO International Day of Forests Video] [UNFF Press Release] [UNEP International Day of Forests Video] [Bioversity International Press Release]