The REDD Desk publishes Vanuatu page

The UN REDD Desks publishes new country page on Vanuatu will all the latest information about REDD+ activities here! The page provides detailed information on the institutions, legal and policy frameworks and initiatal readiness activities that Vanuatu is now undertaking.
What is the REDD Desk?
The REDD Desk is the largest collaborative resource for REDD+ information, news and analysis on the web. In partnership with our global network we work to meet the needs of diverse stakeholders by centralising and clarifying complex information related to REDD+.
REDD+ in Vanuatu
The REDD+ readiness process in Vanuatu began in 2007 with the establishment of the Vanuatu Carbon Credits Project (VCCP). Since then, driven initially by the VCCP and subsequently by support provided largely from the German Environment Ministry through GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) under a joint regional programme with the Secretariat of the Pacific Community(SPC), Vanuatu has become a participant country of the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). Vanuatu’s REDD+ Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) has been developed and accepted by the FCPF Participants Committee, enabling Vanuatu to access up to US$ 3.6 million from the Readiness Fund (WORLD BANK, 2013b). The R-PP details Vanuatu’s plans for its National REDD+ Scheme, which is expected to involve the implementation of subnational policies and activities rather than area-based REDD+ projects. It is planned that provinces and/or islands demonstrating changes in forest carbon stocks will be eligible to receive REDD+ funding, which will form the basis for further investments into sustainable land use activities (DOF, 2013a). Although the government does not expect to implement subnational area-based projects, private project developers and non-governmental organisations will be able to do so with government approval, and any results in terms of carbon stocks will be considered in the national carbon accounting system. Vanuatu is in the early stages of preparing for the National REDD+ Scheme, however on-the-ground progress is being made in the form of a community-based REDD+ pilot project, implemented by Live and Learn Vanuatu.