UNESCAP, UNITAR to Collaborate on Satellite Imagery for Disaster Risk Management

18 February 2013: The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), through its Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT), will cooperate to provide more comprehensive satellite imagery to Asia-Pacific countries to improve disaster risk management.
The agencies have signed a Memorandum of Agreement that sets out a plan to establish a strategic partnership in the area of geospatial information, GIS and satellite derived imagery analysis and mapping applied to disaster risk reduction (DRR), preparedness, and emergency response. According to UNESCAP, GIS technology is currently under-utilized for DRR due to a lack of capacity in terms of human, scientific, technological and institutional resources.
Under the agreement, both UN agencies will provide access to more effective use of satellite imagery analysis for disaster risk management in the Asia-Pacific Region, ensuring optimal provision and dissemination of UNOSAT products and services. [UNESCP Press Release] [UNOSAT Website]