Adaptation Actions

1 - 20 of 49
1 - After a cyclone, pile tubers and fresh foods in a hole, the foods will begin to rot, but moisture will eventually drain out and the dried foods can be eaten
2 - After a cyclone, bring Fiji taro to bush kitchen, keep in a dry place, and constantly rotate so that is does not constantly lay on one side
3 - After a cyclone, build a yam shelter raised off the ground, that is cool and dry
4 - Practice fruit drying
5 - Practice preserve/jam making
6 - Dry nangai and natapoa for long term usage
7 - Dry breadfruit for long term use
8 - Produce flour for long term use
9 - Collect wild tubers for consumption after cyclones
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
195 - Apply local and imported pesticides and Insecticides
260 - Bury harvested cassava to preserve it before consumption
261 - Make and Use Manioc Flour for use during wet times
262 - Store harvested tubers in a cool dry place to prevent rotting before consumption
263 - Collect and sow seeds to encourage genetic diversity and obtain possible climate resistant traits
264 - Practice tissue culture in the laboratory
265 - Plant several varieties of a single crop in order to continuously select the best and healthiest planting materials
266 - Use physical barriers around gardens to prevent wind-dispersing pest intrusions
267 - Prune kumala leaves to encourage growth of tuber
268 - Prop tilting banana stems with Y stakes to prevent toppling