Adaptation Actions

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48 - Ensure that farmers have at least one area that can be used as a ‘cyclone pasture’ (open with no nearby trees)
49 - Farmer should have or make arrangements to have access to multiple pastures/grazing sites that will each be appropriate for a different climate situations
50 - Follow storm warnings/advisories to move herd to safe locations (out of wind)
51 - Avoid fastening animals with ropes to fixed objects during cyclones
52 - Keep smaller animals inside a strong enclosure during cyclones
53 - Keep smaller animals inside a strong enclosure during cyclones
54 - Keep animals out of/ remove animals from known swampy or low lying coastal areas in preparation for a cyclone
160 - Plant shade trees around and within bullock and pig pastures/enclosures
161 - Keep forested/shade/reserve areas within the farm, so that during drought times, animals can be moved into these cooler naturally moist areas
162 - Bullock may be grazed in the open, but for resting should be brought into forests
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
163 - Build special enclosures for pigs to have an appropriate balance of exposure and shelter
164 - Select shady sites for pig enclosures
165 - Provide shade over the chicken fence, either with normal housing roof material or trees.
195 - Apply local and imported pesticides and Insecticides
197 - Use local knowledge on the supply from various sources throughout the year
198 - Identify nationally vulnerable areas to water shortage and target these first
199 - Develop national databases of water systems and supplies as a tool for decision making
200 - Undertake surveys of alternative water sources
201 - Undertake watershed mapping for land use management and forest maintenance