Adaptation Actions

41 - 53 of 53
415 - Bury harvested cassava to preserve it before consumption
416 - Learn how to make Manioc Flour (Modern & traditional methods) so that harvested tubers can be preserved for extended periods.
417 - Dig the yam, but leave it in an open hole in well drained dry ground. Cover the hole with coconut leaves.
418 - Re Bury harvested taro in well drained/sandy soil.
419 - Practice alley cropping, to provide cooling shade to vulnerable crops
420 - Practice temporary alley cropping with taro to avoid extreme temperature stress
421 - Practice fallow improvement to shade individual high value crops
446 - Use antibiotics to treat the Charolais Bullock eyelid sores problem due to sunlight overexposure
447 - Avoid sunlight vulnerable varieties of bullock like Charolais
448 - Encourage sunlight tolerant varieties of bullock like Brahman mixes
449 - Ensure that Charolais variety is placed in the shade during the hottest and sunniest parts of the day.
450 - Cross Charolais with Brahman to develop tolerance to high light intensity.
451 - Place bullock in shade trees for middle day times, while morning and afternoon time are best for feeding in open pastures