Adaptation Actions

21 - 40 of 83
114 - Irrigate individual high value plants, with bucket or other means
115 - Irrigate individual high value plants, with bucket or other means
116 - Be conscious of the timing for planting of Taro before drought plant 5-6 month Taro that will be ready for harvest and immune to the dry season.
117 - Follow and act on Meteo climate advisories: el Niño la Niña
118 - Plant yams before the onset of a major drought event
119 - Plant island cabbage every 2 months to ensure that seasonality will not affect all plants at all stages of cabbage growth
120 - Relocate garden site to more moist/shaded area
121 - Allow several years of garden fallow before replanting in the same area
122 - Use permaculture in order to continuously protect soils from excessive drying and overheating
123 - Do not burn gardens as cleaning methods, rather weed and leave grass as a mulch to hold soil moisture and nutrients
124 - Avoid Garden clearing or maintenance to allow moisture retention
125 - Use multiple farming systems (mulching, alley cropping, mix planting etc)
126 - Plant water sensitive/needy plants around water giving plants like nangalat and banana
127 - Remove all but two young banana shoots away from the mother tree and replant in a different area (to relieve water stress during dry seasons)
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
189 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient varieties of bullock
190 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient Rasta chickens
191 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient African chickens
192 - Utilize fast breeding African chickens
193 - Utilize chickens for meat during drought times rather than other animals