Adaptation Actions

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80 - User change technical designs of sources to be cyclone proofed
81 - Ensure that tank catchment roofs are securely fastened before a storm
82 - Small dams & spring boxes may be used so the source itself is not buried
83 - Adjust the design of the intake box
84 - Promote underground tanks that are not susceptible to winds
85 - Use strong ferro cement tanks that will not move in wind
86 - Do not use light plastic polytanks in cyclone exposed areas
87 - Keep water source areas cleared, cut old branches and remove possible debris to protect infrastructure
88 - Build sea walls/other barriers around exposed coastal spring sources
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
319 - Practice ex situ conservation
320 - Relocate endemic and species of cultural importance to dyer/non-waterlog areas.
321 - Practice site-species matching for reforestation/rehabilitation
332 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, place stones within the paddock to trim the hooves
333 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, wash the animals in the sea
334 - To treat intestinal complications when Bullock drink standing contaminated flood waters, utilize antibiotics and vaccinations
335 - To treat intestinal complications when Bullock drink standing contaminated flood waters, move bullock out of flooded pastures to other more suitable areas
336 - To treat water-related scratches on bullock skin, wash with sea water
337 - Vaccinate pigs to prevent worm buildup/burden
338 - Prevent spread of horseflies by ensuring new animals are fly free when brought in