Adaptation Actions

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12 - Plant gardens within forest wind breaks, or plant windbreaks to protect sensitive crops (glyricidia)
13 - Avoidance of agricultural activities in the immediate coastal strip
14 - Plant leafy crops in gardens that are well sheltered from winds (e.g. valleys etc)
15 - Plant root crops in exposed areas
16 - Cut the leaves of bananas prior to a cyclone to prevent uprooting
17 - Cut the stems of manioc prior to a cyclone to prevent uprooting
18 - Introduce Dwarf Varieties of manioc that will be less susceptible to wind damage
19 - Remove yam stakes during pre cyclone preparations
20 - Utilize early harvest varieties of yam (6 months) that can be harvested before cyclone season
58 - Plant less susceptible grasses like Glycine, Signal, Guinea and Koronea grasses which may be affected by salt for 2-3 weeks after the storm, but then will recover.
59 - Plant wind breaks near pastures that are coastal, already salt tolerant species
149 - practice species site selection
154 - Establish site specific water guidelines for each species to ensure planting in right location
155 - Implement irrigation systems on commercial properties
156 - Irrigate individual high value individual trees, with bucket or other means
157 - Introduce desalination/distillation for irrigation in dry coastal communities
158 - Develop and expand water storage facilities/infrastructure (water tanks and reservoirs)
159 - Identify and relocate vulnerable species to wetter locations.
160 - Plant shade trees around and within bullock and pig pastures/enclosures
161 - Keep forested/shade/reserve areas within the farm, so that during drought times, animals can be moved into these cooler naturally moist areas