Adaptation Actions

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12 - Plant gardens within forest wind breaks, or plant windbreaks to protect sensitive crops (glyricidia)
13 - Avoidance of agricultural activities in the immediate coastal strip
14 - Plant leafy crops in gardens that are well sheltered from winds (e.g. valleys etc)
15 - Plant root crops in exposed areas
16 - Cut the leaves of bananas prior to a cyclone to prevent uprooting
17 - Cut the stems of manioc prior to a cyclone to prevent uprooting
18 - Introduce Dwarf Varieties of manioc that will be less susceptible to wind damage
19 - Remove yam stakes during pre cyclone preparations
20 - Utilize early harvest varieties of yam (6 months) that can be harvested before cyclone season
55 - Thoroughly inspect all bullock fencing before a cyclone to cut out any living branches on posts (i.e. purao fences)
56 - Avoid corrosive fencing materials (i.e. barb wire)
57 - Allow glycine to grow over barbed wire fences to provide a physical barrier to salt exposure
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
219 - Create firebreaks between bush and garden areas
220 - Remove unnecessary weeds, dead trees, dry branches and dry organic litter from gardens
221 - Relocate gardens away from fire prone areas
222 - Burn flammable grasses around gardens in the wet season to prevent excessive fuel buildup
332 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, place stones within the paddock to trim the hooves
333 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, wash the animals in the sea
334 - To treat intestinal complications when Bullock drink standing contaminated flood waters, utilize antibiotics and vaccinations