Adaptation Actions

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60 - Raise/elevate river creek crossings highly
61 - Bury/lower river/creek crossings well underground
62 - If possible, have water pipes cross rivers/creeks at less vulnerable points up or down stream
63 - Use local knowledge of cyclone vulnerable areas when laying water pipes/infrastructure
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
189 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient varieties of bullock
190 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient Rasta chickens
191 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient African chickens
192 - Utilize fast breeding African chickens
193 - Utilize chickens for meat during drought times rather than other animals
195 - Domesticate wild chickens for meat but ensure robust fencing
196 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient varieties of pig
327 - Remove bullock immediately from erosion-prone flooded areas
328 - Keep bullock pastures in grass at all times to hold top soils in place during floods
329 - Control the pooling of water in pasture eroded depressions to combat mosquito breeding
330 - Do not select aggressive Brahman bullock in flood prone areas, as they dig
331 - Do not select aggressive African fowl in flood prone areas, as they dig
422 - Develop databases of all Vanuatu biodiversity, including vulnerable habitats and food sources
423 - Identify and protect all species of heat-sensitive gecko
425 - identify and replant host tree of sensitive epiphyte, orchids and lizards