Adaptation Actions

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60 - Raise/elevate river creek crossings highly
61 - Bury/lower river/creek crossings well underground
62 - If possible, have water pipes cross rivers/creeks at less vulnerable points up or down stream
63 - Use local knowledge of cyclone vulnerable areas when laying water pipes/infrastructure
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
304 - Discourage clearing of vegetation on steep slopes
304 (a) - Reforest cleared slopes with tree and grass species with well developed root systems that will control soil erosion (e.g. vetiver and namamau)
304 (b) - Forest Plantations on sloping areas should be planted in various planting rows and patters to encourage soil retention
381 - Discourage burning of grasslands or marginal vegetation that holds soil
382 - Practice contour cropping/terracing
383 - Encourage rehabilitation of bare land and areas subject to soil erosion.
384 - Utilize site capture crops to quickly revegetate bare slopes
385 - Utilize cover crops to hold soil
386 - Utilize barrier crops to trap and prevent sediments from eroding
387 - Plant stabilizing trees on vulnerable slopes to control landslides
388 - Utilize Nitrogen fixing crops
410 - Introduce forest plot or area drainage systems
411 - Plant water tolerant tree species in flood prone areas like coconut, bamboo, purao
412 - Plan or Relocate forestry operations to typically 'dry soil' areas
422 - Develop databases of all Vanuatu biodiversity, including vulnerable habitats and food sources