Adaptation Actions

1 - 20 of 43
21 - Physically remove any creeping vines or invasives that threaten to colonize a damaged forest
22 - Physically remove any creeping vines or invasives that threaten to colonize a damaged forest
23 - Provide wild animals with fallen fruits
150 - Provide awareness on the importance of water catchment areas for water quality
151 - Establish protected areas over sensitive water catchments
152 - Reforest and rehabilitate forests within sensitive watershed and catchment areas
153 - Place and enforce buffer zones around streams and water sources
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
294 - Introduce and encourage wet tolerant species for seasonally waterlogged or low-lying areas.
295 - Undertake vegetative propagation to encourage rapid fruiting
296 - Utilize hormones to induce fruiting and flowering out of season
297 - Store seeds for use during low fruiting periods.
298 - Assess the fruiting calendars of different species in different climatic areas
299 - Protect of trees from rainfall/elements in green houses
300 - Practice anthropogenic fertilization (by hand) in cases where Rainfallinhibits natural pollination and fertilization
301 - Identify, select and plant varieties that fruit/flower at different times throughout the year.
302 - Develop, dessiminate, breed and encourage the use of rain-tolerate tree varieties
303 - Undertake grafting to ensure fruiting under controlled conditions
322 - Plant pasture grass species that can withstand flood conditions (para and elephant)
323 - Plant pasture grass species that can tolerate water (papolo and beans)