Adaptation Actions

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64 - Use spring boxes around sources , to ensure nothing gets into the source itself
65 - Close down inlets to water into tanks before a storm, reopen after event
66 - Ensure there is enough water storage for use during and after the storm events
67 - Practice regular water monitoring
68 - Ensure the manhole in ferro cement tanks is fitted perfectly to avoid ash fall or other contaminants entering the tanks
69 - Do not glue in the downpipe of the tank, must be able to pull out as needed before storms
70 - Rain water tanks should use a T joint (first flush system) so that all contaminants are flushed away before water is collected
71 - Close off water sources before a cyclone events to prevent flooding, contamination, especially to crop irrigation areas
72 - Use sediment filtration boxes to purify water
73 - Use slow sand filters for the best filtration of contaminated water
74 - Design the simplement water filtration systems for Vanuatu sustainability
75 - Boil water to kill microorganisms and may also reduce this bad 'tank' taste
76 - Do not rely on a single source of water; have several backups
77 - Undertake monitoring of water sources after cyclone, to target assistance
78 - Encourage self sufficiency and self help and local disaster response
79 - Mainstreaming hazard assessment and risk management into the current plans and policies
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
189 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient varieties of bullock
190 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient Rasta chickens
191 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient African chickens