Adaptation Actions

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147 - Undertake artificial germination of important species (nursery)
148 - Collect and store wildings for replanting
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
226 - Utilize firebreaks and windbreaks to prevent to spread of forest fires
227 - Discourage burning activities around forested areas during drought seasons
228 - Practice mix cropping/planting approach to prevent spread of fire
229 - Prescribe burning in sensitive forest areas to reduce dangerous biomass fuel buildup
230 - Regularly weed, clean and maintain woodlots
231 - Ensure that fire fighting equipment is accessible and available
232 - Train forestry stakeholders on fire management and fire fighting
233 - Plant fire resilient species (bamboo and wild thatching cane)
234 - Provide awareness to forestry stakeholders and communities on the risks of forest fires
472 - Plant coastal, native, endemic and site adapted species on beaches and vulnerable coasts trees to control erosion
473 - Plant/protect wetland species including mangroves to reduce erosion
473 (a) - Erosion of coastal forest areas
474 - Encourage and assist communities to establish forested buffer zones between the coast and the village
475 - Research the potential for desalination and irrigation of coastal woodlots/plantations
476 - Relocate species of importance to higher grounds to avoid loss through sea water inundation
477 - Adopt coastal management or land use plans
478 - Find and encourage salt tolerant trees