Adaptation Actions

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58 - Plant less susceptible grasses like Glycine, Signal, Guinea and Koronea grasses which may be affected by salt for 2-3 weeks after the storm, but then will recover.
59 - Plant wind breaks near pastures that are coastal, already salt tolerant species
128 - Preserve Taro suckers in household nurseries
129 - Collect taro seeds and sow to encourage new varieties, maintain biodiversity, and find climate resistant strains.
130 - Practice Tissue Culture in research stations to preserve genetic diversity and climate resilient varieties
131 - Bury planting materials to preserve them during dry and hot times
132 - Utilize store bought/chemicals fertilizers to enhance productivity
132 - Utilize store bought/chemicals fertilizers to enhance productivity
133 - Utilize custom fertilizers and manures to enhance productivity
134 - Utilize all parts of vegetables (e.g. pumpkin fruit and leaf tops, sutsut fruit and shoots)
134 - Utilize all parts of vegetables (e.g. pumpkin fruit and leaf tops, sutsut fruit and shoots)
135 - Utilize traditional vegetable crops (ferns or vines)
136 - Take stock of and re-promote traditional foods
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
332 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, place stones within the paddock to trim the hooves
333 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, wash the animals in the sea
334 - To treat intestinal complications when Bullock drink standing contaminated flood waters, utilize antibiotics and vaccinations
335 - To treat intestinal complications when Bullock drink standing contaminated flood waters, move bullock out of flooded pastures to other more suitable areas
336 - To treat water-related scratches on bullock skin, wash with sea water
337 - Vaccinate pigs to prevent worm buildup/burden