Adaptation Actions

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274 - Plant crops in raised beds to prevent flooding or excess moisture
275 - Select well drained garden sites, including porous soils that do not hold water
276 - Plant along ridges or on gently sloping areas
277 - Avoid planting on flood plains or areas close to streams, creeks and rivers
278 - Plant water tolerant root crops like water taro and soft mud taro
279 - Find water tolerant varieties with help from regional and national research institutions
280 - Plant bananas in water-prone areas as they grow well with a high level of moisture; good productivity
281 - Grow wet tolerant vegetable species (e.g. Susut and cucumber and eggplant)
282 - Protect crops and germinants from excessive Rainfallin greenhouses
283 - Change planting timing according to seasonal climate forecasts, especially la Niña events
284 - Harvest yams early (at the first sign of leaves turning yellow) so that they will not have a chance to rot in the groups.
322 - Plant pasture grass species that can withstand flood conditions (para and elephant)
323 - Plant pasture grass species that can tolerate water (papolo and beans)
324 - Plant fodder tree species in pastures that tolerate water
325 - Move bullock to less flood prone areas including hill side grazing areas, and plateaus
326 - Make advance arrangements where bullock could be moved in case of flooding in the primary pastures
472 - Plant coastal, native, endemic and site adapted species on beaches and vulnerable coasts trees to control erosion
473 - Plant/protect wetland species including mangroves to reduce erosion
473 (a) - Erosion of coastal forest areas
474 - Encourage and assist communities to establish forested buffer zones between the coast and the village