Adaptation Actions

1 - 20 of 63
60 - Raise/elevate river creek crossings highly
61 - Bury/lower river/creek crossings well underground
62 - If possible, have water pipes cross rivers/creeks at less vulnerable points up or down stream
63 - Use local knowledge of cyclone vulnerable areas when laying water pipes/infrastructure
128 - Preserve Taro suckers in household nurseries
129 - Collect taro seeds and sow to encourage new varieties, maintain biodiversity, and find climate resistant strains.
130 - Practice Tissue Culture in research stations to preserve genetic diversity and climate resilient varieties
131 - Bury planting materials to preserve them during dry and hot times
132 - Utilize store bought/chemicals fertilizers to enhance productivity
132 - Utilize store bought/chemicals fertilizers to enhance productivity
133 - Utilize custom fertilizers and manures to enhance productivity
134 - Utilize all parts of vegetables (e.g. pumpkin fruit and leaf tops, sutsut fruit and shoots)
134 - Utilize all parts of vegetables (e.g. pumpkin fruit and leaf tops, sutsut fruit and shoots)
135 - Utilize traditional vegetable crops (ferns or vines)
136 - Take stock of and re-promote traditional foods
143 - Utilize green houses for enhanced/controlled fruit production
143 - Utilize green houses for enhanced/controlled fruit production
143 - Utilize green houses for enhanced/controlled fruit production
144 - Identify traditional and novel fruiting seasons and patterns of key tree species
149 - practice species site selection