Adaptation Actions

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89 - Intercrop with valuable trees
90 - Intercrop taro with trees that will provide some sunlight penetration
91 - Intercrop kumala with banana to provide shade for kumala
92 - Intercrop trees with banana to provide shade for bananas
93 - Practice alley cropping with nutrient providing and shade producing trees like glyricidia
94 - Plant taro under green net (60-80% sunlight) shade cloth
95 - Use live staking of yam leaves, so that the live supports will provide shade to the yam plant
96 - Grow sensitive crops in protected nurseries
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
197 - Use local knowledge on the supply from various sources throughout the year
198 - Identify nationally vulnerable areas to water shortage and target these first
199 - Develop national databases of water systems and supplies as a tool for decision making
200 - Undertake surveys of alternative water sources
201 - Undertake watershed mapping for land use management and forest maintenance
202 - Do not rely on a single source of water, use and develop multiple systems
203 - Fill standby/reservoir tanks during wet times for use during dry times
204 - Use different sources systems at different types of the year
205 - Physically transport water to vulnerable communities
206 - Relocate households to less vulnerable areas, villages, islands
207 - Provide drought early warnings to communities