Adaptation Actions

81 - 92 of 92
356 - Ensure small chickens (chicks) have access to elevated, fully dry areas for feeding and laying
357 - Plant water absorbing trees around chicken coops
358 - Lift the floors of chicken coops, raise enclosure away from ground level to prevent storm floods
359 - Ensure that pig enclosures have some permanently dry space
360 - Build roofing over animal coops and enclosures
361 - Pig enclosures sites should be selected for well draining porous soil types
362 - Do not place pig enclosures in known water channels/runoff areas
363 - Dig water runoff/drainage channels through flood prone pig enclosures
364 - Regularly move the location of pig enclosures so that excessive mud doesn’t accumulate in their pens
397 - Physically remove diseased or dying trees/plants
398 - Conduct research on specific tree pests and diseases
399 - Accurately identify pest and disease agents