Adaptation Actions

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60 - Raise/elevate river creek crossings highly
61 - Bury/lower river/creek crossings well underground
62 - If possible, have water pipes cross rivers/creeks at less vulnerable points up or down stream
63 - Use local knowledge of cyclone vulnerable areas when laying water pipes/infrastructure
147 - Undertake artificial germination of important species (nursery)
148 - Collect and store wildings for replanting
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
195 - Apply local and imported pesticides and Insecticides
236 - Use less fire prone grasses including Buffalo Grass
237 - Use steel or iron for fence posts
238 - Use living Fence posts which do not rapidly light
239 - Encourage some overgrazing during the dry season to prevent buildup of biomass and fuel
240 - Ensure that there is an appropriate number of stock in the pasture to remove potential fire fuel
389 - Apply local and imported herbicides (and chemical injections)
390 - Physically remove invasive species
391 - Introduce biological control of invasives
392 - Practice regular maintenance, cleaning and weeding of forest plots
400 - Do not utilize sensitive Bush and VIP toilets in flood prone areas
401 - Do not drink ground water near bush and VIP toilets after flood conditions
402 - Do not use bush and VIP toilets in areas with undrainable clay soils