Adaptation Actions

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89 - Intercrop with valuable trees
90 - Intercrop taro with trees that will provide some sunlight penetration
91 - Intercrop kumala with banana to provide shade for kumala
92 - Intercrop trees with banana to provide shade for bananas
93 - Practice alley cropping with nutrient providing and shade producing trees like glyricidia
94 - Plant taro under green net (60-80% sunlight) shade cloth
95 - Use live staking of yam leaves, so that the live supports will provide shade to the yam plant
96 - Grow sensitive crops in protected nurseries
150 - Provide awareness on the importance of water catchment areas for water quality
151 - Establish protected areas over sensitive water catchments
152 - Reforest and rehabilitate forests within sensitive watershed and catchment areas
153 - Place and enforce buffer zones around streams and water sources
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
166 - Provide bullock with bore hole wells within pastures
167 - Provide dishes of water, cement pools inside pig fence
168 - Provide bullock with water dumps within pastures (Dig trenches to hold water)
169 - Proactively move animals (bullock, pigs, goats etc) close to rivers, streams and water sources during drought times.
170 - Build cement water catchment pools within the bullock enclosure
171 - Provide water to chickens in dishes inside of the fence
172 - Practice compositing inside the chicken fence, to keep soil moisture and also attract food insects