Adaptation Actions

1 - 20 of 145
1 - After a cyclone, pile tubers and fresh foods in a hole, the foods will begin to rot, but moisture will eventually drain out and the dried foods can be eaten
2 - After a cyclone, bring Fiji taro to bush kitchen, keep in a dry place, and constantly rotate so that is does not constantly lay on one side
3 - After a cyclone, build a yam shelter raised off the ground, that is cool and dry
4 - Practice fruit drying
5 - Practice preserve/jam making
6 - Dry nangai and natapoa for long term usage
7 - Dry breadfruit for long term use
8 - Produce flour for long term use
9 - Collect wild tubers for consumption after cyclones
80 - User change technical designs of sources to be cyclone proofed
81 - Ensure that tank catchment roofs are securely fastened before a storm
82 - Small dams & spring boxes may be used so the source itself is not buried
83 - Adjust the design of the intake box
84 - Promote underground tanks that are not susceptible to winds
85 - Use strong ferro cement tanks that will not move in wind
86 - Do not use light plastic polytanks in cyclone exposed areas
87 - Keep water source areas cleared, cut old branches and remove possible debris to protect infrastructure
88 - Build sea walls/other barriers around exposed coastal spring sources
89 - Intercrop with valuable trees
90 - Intercrop taro with trees that will provide some sunlight penetration