Adaptation Actions

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400 - Do not utilize sensitive Bush and VIP toilets in flood prone areas
401 - Do not drink ground water near bush and VIP toilets after flood conditions
402 - Do not use bush and VIP toilets in areas with undrainable clay soils
403 - Do not swim or bathe in rivers immediately following a flood event
404 - Suggest other types of toilet designs
405 - Septic tanks could be placed above ground to avoid flood contamination
406 - Develop and follow construction standards for water supply and sanitation, use of toilets in certain areas
407 - Consider toilet location in terms of nearby water sources, and also in terms of soil type, nearness to sensitive areas (coral reefs etc)
413 - Use Open and deep hole planting of Taro, dig a deep hole, place taro inside, do not bury so as to allow air cooling of the growing taro.
414 - Use low tight staking of yam vines that will not allow excessive drying out
415 - Bury harvested cassava to preserve it before consumption
416 - Learn how to make Manioc Flour (Modern & traditional methods) so that harvested tubers can be preserved for extended periods.
417 - Dig the yam, but leave it in an open hole in well drained dry ground. Cover the hole with coconut leaves.
418 - Re Bury harvested taro in well drained/sandy soil.
419 - Practice alley cropping, to provide cooling shade to vulnerable crops
420 - Practice temporary alley cropping with taro to avoid extreme temperature stress
421 - Practice fallow improvement to shade individual high value crops
435 - Reconstruction and relocation of homes/communities to areas that are sheltered by forests
436 - Plant green spaces for outdoor congregating and relaxing
437 - Encourage the maintenance of trees when constructing houses