Adaptation Actions

1 - 20 of 26
21 - Physically remove any creeping vines or invasives that threaten to colonize a damaged forest
22 - Physically remove any creeping vines or invasives that threaten to colonize a damaged forest
23 - Provide wild animals with fallen fruits
223 - Throw moist plants (green) on the fire to slow and stop
224 - Revive cultural burning of grasslands
225 - Ensure that grassland burning is not undertaken in biodiversity rich areas
235 - Do not allow chickens to roam free and lay eggs in the bush during dry season
236 - Use less fire prone grasses including Buffalo Grass
237 - Use steel or iron for fence posts
238 - Use living Fence posts which do not rapidly light
239 - Encourage some overgrazing during the dry season to prevent buildup of biomass and fuel
240 - Ensure that there is an appropriate number of stock in the pasture to remove potential fire fuel
438 - Develop planting guidelines for each species to ensure planting in appropriate locations
439 - Identify and relocate important species to cooler locations.
440 - Plant new trees inside existing forests to exploit cooler temperatures
441 - Intercrop high canopy species in mixed planting with lower canopy species
442 - Encourage shading of germinants by mother trees
443 - Utilize shade cloths/nurseries to protect vulnerable seedlings and juvenile trees from excessive heat
444 - Investigate and promote Temperature tolerant tree species
457 - White wash (paint) the tanks for sunlight reflection to keep water cool