Adaptation Actions

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48 - Ensure that farmers have at least one area that can be used as a ‘cyclone pasture’ (open with no nearby trees)
49 - Farmer should have or make arrangements to have access to multiple pastures/grazing sites that will each be appropriate for a different climate situations
50 - Follow storm warnings/advisories to move herd to safe locations (out of wind)
51 - Avoid fastening animals with ropes to fixed objects during cyclones
52 - Keep smaller animals inside a strong enclosure during cyclones
53 - Keep smaller animals inside a strong enclosure during cyclones
54 - Keep animals out of/ remove animals from known swampy or low lying coastal areas in preparation for a cyclone
55 - Thoroughly inspect all bullock fencing before a cyclone to cut out any living branches on posts (i.e. purao fences)
56 - Avoid corrosive fencing materials (i.e. barb wire)
57 - Allow glycine to grow over barbed wire fences to provide a physical barrier to salt exposure
332 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, place stones within the paddock to trim the hooves
333 - To combat foot rot on the hooves of bullock, wash the animals in the sea
334 - To treat intestinal complications when Bullock drink standing contaminated flood waters, utilize antibiotics and vaccinations
335 - To treat intestinal complications when Bullock drink standing contaminated flood waters, move bullock out of flooded pastures to other more suitable areas
336 - To treat water-related scratches on bullock skin, wash with sea water
337 - Vaccinate pigs to prevent worm buildup/burden
338 - Prevent spread of horseflies by ensuring new animals are fly free when brought in
339 - Prevent spread of horseflies by not mixing bullock and horses
340 - Prevent animal pests using store bought chemicals
341 - To prevent worm infection don’t over graze grasses or overstock pastures