Adaptation Actions

1 - 19 of 19
12 - Plant gardens within forest wind breaks, or plant windbreaks to protect sensitive crops (glyricidia)
13 - Avoidance of agricultural activities in the immediate coastal strip
14 - Plant leafy crops in gardens that are well sheltered from winds (e.g. valleys etc)
15 - Plant root crops in exposed areas
16 - Cut the leaves of bananas prior to a cyclone to prevent uprooting
17 - Cut the stems of manioc prior to a cyclone to prevent uprooting
18 - Introduce Dwarf Varieties of manioc that will be less susceptible to wind damage
19 - Remove yam stakes during pre cyclone preparations
20 - Utilize early harvest varieties of yam (6 months) that can be harvested before cyclone season
147 - Undertake artificial germination of important species (nursery)
148 - Collect and store wildings for replanting
189 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient varieties of bullock
190 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient Rasta chickens
191 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient African chickens
192 - Utilize fast breeding African chickens
193 - Utilize chickens for meat during drought times rather than other animals
195 - Domesticate wild chickens for meat but ensure robust fencing
196 - Cross breed, select for and utilize drought resilient varieties of pig
434 - Germinate vulnerable seeds in controlled conditions (nurseries)