Climate Services Partnership Webinars

The Climate Services Partnership is pleased to announce the launch of its webinar series, a new facet of the CSP Knowledge Exchange. The webinar series is meant to promote discussion among partners, and increase awareness of activities happening partnership-wide.
On Wednesday, April 3 at 10am EST, 3pm GMT, Dr. Carlo Buontempo will lead the webinar, "Stakeholder Engagement through the EUPORIAS Project". EUPORIAS is a four-year initiative to make seasonal and decadal information more directly usable by European decision makers. The webinar discussion will be focused around the activities of the project, specifically with regards to recent stakeholder engagement workshops.
We are very excited about this event, and encourage all of you to join. You can do so by logging on to the following link at the aforementioned time: http:// Technical guidance is below.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions ( If you are interested in leading a webinar discussion or getting involved with the CSP in the future, please let us know; we are happy to discuss with you further!
Looking forward,
Allyza Lustig, CSP Secretariat