ICJ AO Pathway - Hon Alatoi Ismael Kalsakau Prime Minister Statement on ICJ

Hon Alatoi Ismael Kalsakau Prime Minister Statement on ICJ

The ICJ accepts requests for an advisory opinion from a limited number of entities specifically authorised to do so under the Charter of the United Nations. This includes the UN General Assembly (UNGA). The request takes the legal form of a UNGA resolution, adopted by a simple majority of UN member states present and voting.

The ICJ Resolution was adopted by unanimous consensus at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly on 29 March 2023. 

Here is a briefing on the legal proceedings and court process at the ICJ after the UNGA adoption. 

To take us into the next phase, we need YOUR continued support.


 Click on this link  -https://www.vanuatuicj.com/how-to-succeed

 for more information on the ICJ AO Pathway  and to view, Hon Alatoi Ismael Kalsakau Prime Minister Statement on ICJ click on this link  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PkS0kS_OCI