IMAGINING A DIFFERENT FUTURE: Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice

The Conference Organising Committee warmly invites you attend a multidisciplinary conference examining the barriers to responding to climate change, implementing climate justice, and proposing ways forward to be held 8-9 February 2018 in Hobart, Australia.
Full details of the Conference themes are on the website and abstracts are invited on any aspect of the themes. The deadline for abstract submissions is 9 am 7 August 2017.
The Conference is being held by the University of Tasmania, with support of the University of Utrecht Ethics Institute, the Institute for the Study of Social Change, UTAS, the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre (ACE CRC) and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Science (IMAS).
The Registration is not yet open, but an indication of the likely registration fees is on the website. More details will be available soon.