Vanuatu Climate Future Portal - Brochure
The Vanuatu Klaetmet Infomesen Blong Ready, Adapt mo Protekt (Van-KIRAP) Project is developing and delivering climate data, information,decision support tools and associated knowledge products in the form of climate inofrmation services to raise climate awareness and guide decision-making for a range of key stakeholders in Vanuatu.The climate information services are relevent services are relevant across multiple time scales including current and future climate, and relate to five priority sectors: infrastructure, water, agriculture, fisheries, and tourism.The product, specifically relevant over multi-decadal (climate change) timescale, are presented in multiple formats, including hard copy and digital, and are accessible via a new cloud-based portal hosted by the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Harzards Department (VMGD).
Vanuatu Climate Future Portal Brochure.pdf (737.19 KB)