The Pacific RISA Social Network Analysis project

The Pacific RISA Social Network Analysis project is pleased to announce the release of our network mapping tools! These tools can be used identify strengths and gaps in professional networks, and to develop new collaborations for future projects.


Multi-Region Maps: 

Full Network Maps.  These mapping tools include all network connections reported during the Network Analysis study. These large (967 person) network maps reveals broad trends of centrality and connectedness in Hawaiʻi and the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands, the broader Pacific Islands region, and globally.

Pacific RISA Core Region Network Maps. These mapping tools explore the Pacific RISA’s focal region, Hawaiʻi and the U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands. These core region (452 person) network maps reflect the dense international and interdisciplinary communications networks inherent in our region.


Region-Specific Maps:

To explore network connections in a more targeted way, visit the region-specific network mapping tools. These pages focus narrowly on the international and interdisciplinary networks of each state, territory, and country in the Pacific RISA’s focal region.

American Sāmoa Network

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Network

Federated States of Micronesia Network

Guam Network

Hawaiʻi Network

Republic of the Marshall Islands Network

Palau Network


Project Background:

In 2012, Pacific RISA launched a multi-year social network analysis project to examine communication patterns and how climate information spreads across different sectors and countries in the Pacific Islands region. Using the December 2012 release of the Pacific Islands Regional Climate Assessment (PIRCA) report as a spring board, researchers collected data on the professional and scientific networks of climate change stakeholders. The resultant network mapping tools, now available online for free use, allow researchers and stakeholders to track information flows, key hubs, and isolated groups in the delivery of climate information.