Pathway to enhancing waste management at the Etas Bouffa Landfill through effective waste and pollution monitoring, control, segregation and capacity building to meet Vanuatu’s reporting obligations and maintain Vanuatu’s pristine nature.

Pathway to enhancing waste management at the Etas Bouffa Landfill through effective waste and pollution monitoring, control, segregation and capacity building to meet Vanuatu’s reporting obligations and maintain Vanuatu’s pristine nature.

  1. Project description: [Brief description of project, key activities and outputs, how will it be implemented?]


Description of Project: The proposed project is an initiative of the Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation (DEPC) under the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC), to enhance waste management at the Bouffa Landfill. Bouffa landfill is managed by the Port Vila City Council (PVCC) that is under the Department of Local Authorities (DLA). This proposal seeks the support of the GCF Framework to:


  1. Procure a landfill weighbridge tobe stationed at the Etas Bouffa Landfill in efforts to enhance waste monitoring overtime to ensure that our reporting obligations in waste management are met at the national, regional and international level.
  2. Establishment of an office at the landfill including the gate house.
  3. Institutional strengthening and capacity building for DEPC at the Landfill facility.
  4. Fencing the 57 Hectares of land where Etas Bouffa Landfill is located.


Key Activities and Implementation: There are only four key activities of the project:


  1. Procurement of the landfill weighbridge to support monitoring and data collection in waste management, currently all records are estimated and manually registered. The installation of a weighbridge will allow us to digitize our monitoring and data collection.
  2. The establishment of an office at the landfill to complement the installation of the weighbridge.
  3. A budget for a qualified data management officer and a maintenance officer who will be stationed at the office to oversee the data collection and maintenance of the weighbridge respectively within the five (5) year duration of the project.
  4. The fencing of the landfill is a longstanding issue, fencing the premises permanently will reduce the number of unauthorized vehicles and persons from entering. At the same time enforcing waste collection businesses and also opportunity to formalize waste pickers to segregate incoming waste, waste audits  and other related activities.



Project Status: 
Project Sites: 

Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation

Port Vila 
Latitude: 17.000000
Longitude: 168.000000