Yumi Redi- Everyone is prepared
Yumi Redi- Everyone is prepared
Strengthened DRM coordination at the national level, through support for NDMO by the Vanuatu Humanitarian Team (VHT) will complement improved disaster preparedness planning processes at both provincial and community levels. DRM training and mentoring will be delivered to CDCCCs and PDCs using consistent messaging. A DRM model will be implemented that includes the development and delivery of a DRR/ CCA package that will guide CDCCCs and PDCs to know how to assess and plan for community based disaster management, identify feasible risk reduction measures, develop response skills, and conduct and learn from drills. Two provinces (Tafea and Torba) will be the focus of the action with CDCCC members, PDC members, Provincial Disaster Officers and the Area Council Secretaries receiving training and mentoring so that they can then effectively support the CDCCCs to implement their DRM activities and planning.