
Vanuatu and other Pacific Island Countries and territories are convening in Fiji for the first International Court of Justice (ICJ) Submission Writeshop. Attorney Generals (AGs) and legal office representatives from ...
Post Date: 28-Jul-2023
Vanuatu now has a plan to guide the Ministry of Health (MoH) to prepare, respond and recover from natural disasters such as cyclones, volcanoes earthquakes and climate change impacts. The National ...
Post Date: 14-Jul-2021
On 30 January, over thirty participants from the Government, Civil Society, Private Sector, and Development Partners were trained in the usage of the website of the National Advisory Board on ...
Post Date: 30-Jan-2018
Bonn, April 29, 2013. Inaugurating its first negotiation session, as the new chair of the group of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Mr. Prakash Mathema from Nepal, urges Parties to ...
Post Date: 30-Apr-2013