Establishing resilient, low carbon agricultural systems in Tonga, Vanuatu and Samoa

Establishing resilient, low carbon agricultural systems in Tonga, Vanuatu and Samoa


 To reduce the vulnerability of rural communities in Tonga,Vanuatu and Samoa to the impacts of Climate chnage,the proposed project will enable the transition from conventional to climate-resilient, regenerative agricultural (CRRA) practices. Through these practices, the delivery of agricultural ecosystem services will be enhanced and  dependence on external inputs reduced.

To support the adoption of CRRA, the proposed project will:

  1. strengthen cross-sectoral partnerships
  2. enhance market incentives for CRRA
  3. Provide training and support for farmers and 
  4. implement robust monitoring and knowledge-sharing initiatives to support learning and adaptive implementation of CRRA


Project Sites: 

Establishing resilient,low carbon agricultural systems in Tonga

Nuku' alofa 
Latitude: -21.138018
Longitude: -175.207641

Establishing resilient,low carbon agricultural systems in Samoa

Latitude: -13.897661
Longitude: -171.788393

Establishing resilient,low carbon agricultural systems in Vanuatu

Latitude: -17.737469
Longitude: 168.355392