Adaptation Actions

1 - 20 of 49
10 - Utilize Salt Resistant Crops
11 - Protect gardens by building physical ocean barriers etc.
42 - Freeze Excess meat where possible
43 - Preserve Meat using traditional bamboo cooking methods
44 - Preserve Meat using salting methods
45 - Preserve Fish using multiple canning methods
46 - Preserve Fish using smoking and drying methods
47 - Preserve Fish using traditional breadfruit leaf baking methods
55 - Thoroughly inspect all bullock fencing before a cyclone to cut out any living branches on posts (i.e. purao fences)
56 - Avoid corrosive fencing materials (i.e. barb wire)
57 - Allow glycine to grow over barbed wire fences to provide a physical barrier to salt exposure
143 - Utilize green houses for enhanced/controlled fruit production
143 - Utilize green houses for enhanced/controlled fruit production
143 - Utilize green houses for enhanced/controlled fruit production
144 - Identify traditional and novel fruiting seasons and patterns of key tree species
163 - Utilize appropriate building materials for livestock enclosres that can withstand climtic extremes
269 - Dig drainage canals in gardens to prevent pooling and flooding in gardens
270 - Practice Mix Cropping of water-sensitive crops with species that utilize lots of water and can help control water logged soils
271 - Alley crop water-sensitive species in-between with water-intensive species
272 - Use plastic polybags to plant vegetables that are off the ground and cannot be flooded