Vanuatu's Revised and Enhanced 1st Nationally Determined Contribution 2021 - 2030

Vanuatu's Revised and Enhanced 1st Nationally Determined Contribution 2021 - 2030.

Vanuatu submits this updated and enhanced nationally determined contribution (NDC), in which our political
leaders, technical experts and civil society have considered how our nation can move to a global net-zero
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions society (Article 4.1) whilst being resilient to the unavoidable impacts of
climate change (Article 7.1), minimising, averting and addressing loss and damage (Article 8) in the context
of the long-term temperature goal (Article 2), while determining our financial needs (Article 9) that shall be
provided by developed country Parties in continuation of their existing obligations under the UNFCCC.
Vanuatu is already a carbon-negative country. With forests covering 70% of its islands, and its maritime
jurisdiction comprising 98% of the nation, the big ocean state of Vanuatu is already a carbon sink -
absorbing more carbon dioxide than it produces - thus freely providing a critical environmental service
to carbon emitting countries around the world. Moving beyond our current Net Zero status, this NDC
recommits Vanuatu to rapidly phasing out fossil fuels, deeply decarbonising and transitioning completely
to a circular economy.
Pursuant to Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, and to demonstrate that Vanuatu is an action-focused leader
in its calls for all Parties to make ambitious commitments to limit the global average temperature increase to
1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, Vanuatu’s NDC reflects the highest ambitions on adaptation, mitigation,
and loss and damage. As per Decision 4/CMA.1, Vanuatu’s information provides clarity, transparency and
This updated and enhanced NDC contains 20 Mitigation commitments, 116 Adaptation commitments, 12
Loss & Damage commitments and is based on the ambitions, policies and workplans of Vanuatu's frontline
sector agencies.
Targets and commitments are conditional upon international finance, action, support, technology and
capacity development. The approximate conditional cost of achieving Vanuatu’s Revised and Enhanced
NDC is USD 1,214,350,000.


The lauching of this Vanuatu's enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) will be held on the 12th August 2022 at the Farea Pacific, Warwick Le Lagon.

Click on the link to read the full documents of the Vanuatu Enhanced NDC  2021 - 2030 Document.

ICJ Final Event & NDC Launching