Project Search
20 Results Found
Organizational Expertise Justification: Members of the consortium have been working in Vanuatu for over 30 years. We have extensive experience working together and with the government of Vanuatu to help ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$32,650,000
: Climate change and rising sea levels and urbanization in low lying areas will increase the risk of coastal floods, erosion and salinization. Adaptation to reduce future environmental risks is ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$30,000,000
The aim of the project is to apply Critical Participatory Action Research (CPAR) to empower targeted communities in Community Conservation Areas (CCA’s) to develop rights-based regenerative climate-smart ridge to reef ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$1,650,000
The project considers the current Vanuatu’s Off-Grid RE and EE Promotion Program as the main baseline effort towards achieving the country’s NERM targets. This program includes the installation of RE-based ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$2,000,000
There is a significant body of research being conducted examining the role of Kastom. As this project is focusing on legal frameworks it will build on existing projects. Key components ...
Status: Completed
The project builds on a survey of over 800 individual agricultural locations on the island conducted by Matthew Spriggs in 1978-80 and also on an ongoing project of the Nasaukaea ...
Status: Completed
The Pacific Risk Resilience programme (PRRP) will focus on strengthening governance mechanisms for Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) at the sub-national and local levels. The goal ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$4,000,000
The USP-EU GCCA project finalized and signed in December 2010 is a 4 year project allocating 8 million Euros to meet the challenges of climate change in the 15 ...
Status: Completed
The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) is based on the philosophy that efficient management of the climatic risks today is the foundation for managing the changed climatic risks ...
Status: Completed
The project, over a 36-month period, will identify and implement integrated agricultural system management approaches that increase climate resilience. The systems will be based on assessments of the robustness ...
Status: Completed
Pacific Islands are among the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change as they are affected by repeated volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, cyclones, floods, droughts, and invasive sea level rise, which ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$643,195,923
Flagship initiatives are the first, best or most promising examples of successful ecosystem restoration that a country or region would like to be globally ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$5,000,000
The impacts of climate change are reducing the availability of fresh water in Malekula, with groundwater becoming increasingly saline because of saltwater intrusion and rainfall becoming increasingly erratic. The ...
Status: Proposed
Total Funding: US$13,849,250
An Indigenous led Network of community Environmental Champions, working together for the protection of biodiversity, sustainable development, customary governance, and climate/disaster resilience within the Santo Mountain Chain Key Biodiversity Area ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$700,000
Oxfam International is a world-wide development organisation that mobilises the power of people against poverty. In the Pacific, we work with our partners to ensure that Pacific Islander women and ...
Status: Current
Total Funding: US$1,894,298
The Action ‘Generation and adaptation of improved agricultural technologies to mitigate climate change-imposed risks to food production within vulnerable smallholder farming communities in Western Pacific countries’ was a five year ...
Status: Completed
To engage high school students in the production of innovative and targeted media content on climate change awareness, through a combination of media and climate science training, mentoring and production ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$111,209
Assist in the application of technology to improve understanding of effectiveness of climate change policy and activity in the country in line with the review of climate change policy underway. ...
Status: Completed
Total Funding: US$19,240
The project will use a Climate Risk Management Framework to analyse economic and environmental data to determine the climate risk posed, the costs of these risks and possible adaptation options. ...
Status: Completed